This was a project I created on my masters programme where we were challenged to create a B2C brand for sampling company, SoPost.
Prior, SoPost was simply a B2B brand distributing product samples for some of the largest companies. These companies reach ‘samplers’ through their own sites while SoPost was in charge of selecting the appropriate candidates after sign-up, fulfilling orders, then posting them.
My initial research concluded on the current perception of the brand, my findings were; there was a lack of trust within data-related brands from consumers, the lack of touchpoints from the SoPost company was confusing to consumers and finally, B2C sampling brands were getting lost in one another’s bold and loud branding.
I created the new branding through research techniques such as brand archetypes, brand personas, scenarios and user testing. Whrl, a name derived from the phrase “give it a whirl”. I chose this name to give the service a friendly and up-beat quality.
I then created the mobile app with three goals: build trust, stand out and gain excitement around sampling.
The Pikorua is a Maori symbol for connection to one another, this was something which stuck out to me during my research process, this is why I made it part of the app, drawing consumers in and defining what Whrl stands for.